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Frequently Asked Questions


Please find below answers to the questions we get asked the most about ATHENA 

 01  Why join ATHENA.


The association offers numerous benefits to its members. Moreover, it is the only association in tourism, hospitality and events that solely focuses on research and its membership only concerns research centres/institutes affiliated with universities. In addition, ATHENA membership is completely free of charge, in contrast with other associations having a compulsory fee in a frequent basis.



 02  Can ATHENA members also belong to some other associations.


ATHENA aims to further assist and advance research towards its members. This means that if an ATHENA member wants to also participate in some other association(s) it is encouraged to do so. By definition, ATHENA aims to promote tourism-related research networks, and not to set collaboration barriers.




 03  How can I get information on joining ATHENA.


Membership information such as benefits and obligations, executive board, and events can be found at ATHENA website. For joining ATHENA, please contact us and we will email you a registration form.




 04  When is the next event related with ATHENA.


Apart from several seminars powered by ATHENA (for more info please visit our blog), the next event is THE INC 2024, which will be held from 5th till 7th June in Amsterdam, Netherlands.




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